Classified Advertisements

We are pleased to accept advertisements of any nature for fees which may be determined and exacted at any time, forever.

The management accepts no responsibility for any embarrassment caused by the incorrect classification of your advertisements, or by the unauthorised disclosure of any of your details to anyone who happens to ask.

Submit advertisement for publication. Mark the heading "classified advertisement" or your message will be treated as fan mail.


Senior Appointments

The Doreen Bird (deceased) Academy of Arts, Technology and Witchcraft

Course Tutors

The Academy is at the forefront of ground-breaking, cutting edge, progressive, innovative stuff.

The recent unprecedented level of demand for course registrations has led to a need for additional tutors from all disciplines. Whatever your area of knowledge, we will pick and mix it with whatever else we have and sell it to the students as a "scheme".

If you know anyone who is a student, please don't mention to them that we said this.

If you think you are ready to fill one of these demanding posts please submit your CV, explaining why you are suitable and what is so important about footwear.

Quote reference JA0001 in the heading, or your application will be treated as fan mail.